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Using credit cards for your company's payroll

The CardUp Team Jul 23, 2024 2:31:33 PM
Use credit cards for payrolls

For any business, payroll makes up a sizeable portion of monthly overheads, ranging anywhere from 20% to 30% of a business’ expenses. Yet, when a business experiences a cash flow crunch, these payroll expenses might not qualify for financing easily. Lenders typically only support loans that will be used by companies to grow their business, such as for investment in machinery or tech, which better assures them of repayment.

Cutting this expense out isn’t a possible option either, as there are many heavy repercussions on your company - a negative impact on your employees’ morale and a big hit on your company’s stability.

Based on the SME Association of Malaysia, 60% of its members faced issues of zero sales and cash flow problems for three months. This large percentage of overheads in payroll is unavoidable, which severely limits and impacts working capital on hand. Imagine if there was a way to put this large expense on credit, allowing your business greater freedom to manoeuvre with the increased cash flow on hand.

Turns out, there is - with your credit cards.

Why put payroll payments on your credit card?


1. Instantly tap on under-utilised, pre-approved credit

Your business credit cards typically come with a pre-approved credit limit, assigned based on a number of different factors such as the length of operation, profitability and more. This credit limit is the maximum amount of credit the banks have extended towards your company’s use, and are oftentimes much higher than it would be for a personal credit card. However, this sum often goes under-utilised. By putting a company’s payroll on the credit card, companies are able to better utilise this credit line - it’s already pre-approved and available instantly, so why not!

2. The available credit is interest-free for up to almost 2 months

Many have the misconception that credit cards are tools that encourage debt, and that businesses should avoid tapping on them unless absolutely required. While it is true that credit cards come with a high interest rate for late payments, it is also an interest-free form of credit for up to the first 2 months, from the date of your transaction to when your credit card bill is due. This makes for an extremely low-cost tool to finance your business in the short-term, and should not be overlooked.

3. Keep operations smooth-running even with delayed customer payments

By placing your employees’ payroll on your credit cards, delayed customer payments become less of a headache. Businesses no longer have to worry about having to pay out your employees, freelancers and agents before your customers pay you for their jobs done. Your operations will continue running smoothly, since your employees still receive their salary on time, while you only pay your credit card bills when they are due up to 60 days later.

4. More capital on hand means bigger growth for the business

With this large expense put on your credit cards, you’d be able to have more working capital on hand to pursue other business goals. Businesses can hire more talents up front, stock up on their inventory, and invest in more equipment to support the growth of the company, or even to anticipate an upcoming seasonal fluctuation.

But how can I get started with payroll payments on my credit card? 

CardUp allows you to make your business payments with your credit card, regardless of whether your recipients accept card payments or not - and this includes your payroll.

Here’s a simple guide on how you can get started on scheduling your payroll payments on CardUp - it just takes a few minutes to start making your expenses rewarding!

What you need:

  • Your company bank account details
    • A bank account statement, or a third-party document, stating your company’s address and bank account details
  • PDF or screenshots from your payroll system where employees’ names and salaries are visible


How it works:

Unlike other payment types, for compliance reasons the payroll amount will be credited to your company’s bank account once the payment is approved.

You will still need to pay the payroll amount to your employees as per your usual process, but you now have up to 55 days more until the payroll charge on your credit card bill is due!

Scheduling your payment:

  1. Log in to your CardUp account 1_-Signin-1024x695
  2. Select payroll under ‘Type of Payment’, and select your company as the recipient2_-Payment-type-1024x695
  3. Upload the required documents for verification purposes


  1. Fill in your payroll details and schedule your payment


  1. Review and confirm your payment


Scheduling your payroll payments on CardUp is simple, and just takes a few minutes. Schedule your next payroll with us now, and make your business expenses rewarding!


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