CardUp MY Blog

19 Frequently-asked questions (and answers) about cash flow
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CardUp 101: What can I pay with my credit card on CardUp?
Two of the most frequently-asked questions we receive are “What can I pay with CardUp?” and “Who can I pay with CardUp?”.
4 benefits of using credit cards for your business payments
As a business owner, there are many verticals in the company that require your attention: operational efficiency, business growth, digital productivity – and ultimately, overall..
The 3 pillars of digitising your business
With the world of business moving faster each day due to the advancement of data and digital communication, there are more opportunities than ever before for businesses to..
Using credit cards for your company's payroll
For any business, payroll makes up a sizeable portion of monthly overheads, ranging anywhere from 20% to 30% of a business’ expenses. Yet, when a business experiences a cash flow..
Three reasons to use your credit cards as a cash flow tool
As Malaysia’s economy gradually recovers from the hit of Covid-19 pandemic, Malaysian consumers are seen to rely more on contactless payment as the ‘new norm’. Based on a study..